
The promotion of our natural and cultural heritage, the information, the public awareness, but mainly the activation of public opinion and public administration are some of the highest priorities of CALLISTO.


With your help and active participation we organize:

Painting and photography exhibitions on the natural environment and its conservation, in order to promote the aesthetic and artistic value of nature.

Excursions and guided tours so that our members and friends will get to know and love the mountains of Greece.

Musical happenings and concerts just… to have fun

But also lectures, presentations and film/video shows.

The production of informational leaflets, TV spots and the utilization of the Internet with a user-friendly, interactive website.

Lastly, we organize public events for the information and awareness of farmers, livestock breeders, bee-keepers and rural inhabitants on a variety of subjects:

Τέλος, προχωρούμε στη διοργάνωση εκδηλώσεων για την ενημέρωση των αγροτών (καλλιεργητών, κτηνοτρόφων, μελισσοκόμων κ.λπ.) και ευρύτερα των κατοίκων της υπαίθρου, σε θέματα που αφορούν:

  • Agricultural insurance and application of preventive measures against large carnivore damages
  • The relationship between agriculture and the natural environment
  • The promotion of biological agriculture and livestock breeding
  • The application of Agri-environmental measures
  • The Common Agricultural Policy and the adoption of the principle of sustainability, aiming at the integration of environmental parameters in agricultural development policies.

We still have a long way to go, in order to achieve our goals. With you, we enrich our ideas, widen the participation, support more ambitious plans of action. Thereisaplace, arole, ajobforeveryone!
